Elizabeth Glazer
Elizabeth Glazer is the founder of Vital City. She previously served as the justice advisor to a New York City mayor and a New York governor and earlier as a federal prosecutor.
What is Vital City?
A new venture dedicated to advancing actionable ideas for enduring safety.
Shifting the Center of Gravity: How Civic Life Can Create Safety
Another approach can make a difference.
Our First Issue
This first issue of the Vital City policy journal is devoted to gun violence. It is one of the most pressing problems currently confronting New York and other cities, and has become ground zero in the war of ideas and ideologies about what makes us safe.
What to Do About Closing Rikers
In our first special report, public safety veterans Elizabeth Glazer and Michael Jacobson provide a detailed, data-grounded roadmap to close Rikers Island.
Boiling the Frog: What is the Way Forward?
It is time to address the problem at Rikers with a different kind of power that has a different durability and a different allegiance.
The Fatal Cost of Waiting: What Must Happen Now in the City’s Jails
As conditions continue to spiral out of control on Rikers, the central issue is who can fix the jails and what power is required to make sure the fixes last?
When Police Become Our Government
Editors' Note: Issue 2
What is “disorder”? And what should we do about it?
Can the City’s Jails Be Fixed? Another Year, Scant Progress
First time tragedy, second time, farce. In 2022, the eighth year of federal oversight, the conditions inside New York City’s jails were both tragedy and farce. Fixing them will take will, exercised without fear or favor.
Architecture and Social Change: A Conversation with Jeanne Gang
Connecting people and neighborhoods by design
'Collective Action Can Make a Difference': A Conversation with Robert Sampson
On disadvantage, race and neighborhood vitality
Editors' Note: Issue 3
What makes a city tick?
What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You
The vacuum of knowledge and the persistence of violence in New York City’s jails
Dying in Darkness on Rikers Island
The City’s anti-democratic suppression of information contributes to escalating brutality in the jails
The Rule of Law Applies on Rikers, Too
The court’s imperative at this week’s hearing
Editors' Note
The most wonderful time of the year?
Vital City 1.5: Ideas to Action
What we’re about and where we’re headed
Editors' Note
What does it take to solve a shooting?
Fixing New York City's Jails: A Federal Receiver? (Closing Remarks)
Setting the Stage
Introductory remarks from Vital City's 8/2/23 forum, "Are NYC's Jails Ungovernable?"
Editors’ Note
For better and for worse, substance use is an important part of the daily rhythms of the city.